Rise Vision Templates
The template library within Rise Vision Templates allows for a wide variety of presentations to be created. They are organized into Schedules that contain multiple presentations and can be assigned to a display. A schedule can be updated at any time and a new schedule can be added to an existing display.
The ability to create and edit content is a key part of any digital signage solution. Rise Vision allows users to edit presentations using a variety of editing tools and templates are provided to make it easy for anyone to use the system. This allows for a very scalable and efficient content creation process.
Rise Vision Templates: Designing Eye-Catching Digital Signage in Minutes
Aside from the templates, Rise Vision is very flexible when it comes to managing multiple displays at once. This is especially important for schools that use multiple displays throughout a building, campus, or venue. The ability to assign and update one set of presentations to many different displays at once makes it easy to ensure that all screens are showing up-to-date information.
Unlike FWi and Yodeck, Rise Vision is designed to work on any screen. Whereas these solutions require a specific player that is built on the Raspberry Pi, Rise Vision is agnostic and works with any device or screen. This gives schools the flexibility to choose what hardware they want, and it saves them money by not having to purchase a separate player that could have other uses around the school. This also helps reduce the number of different vendors that a school might have to deal with and streamlines procurement and maintenance.