How to Find Your IP Address
Everyone has a device that connects to the internet, how to find your ip address they probably have a name for it, like “Mikes PC” or “Dads Laptop.” That’s okay for identifying your devices, but when it comes to connecting to the web, your computer, tablet, or phone needs a more official ticket to get on board — its IP address.
Your external IP address is the number that your router assigns to each connected device on your home network. It’s what your browser and the websites you visit ping to find out where to send information back to you. It’s public and accessible to anyone who wants to see it, including your ISP, hackers, or advertisers who track digital breadcrumbs you leave behind online.
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You can find your own ip address on most devices by navigating to the WiFi or Ethernet settings. For computers running Windows, you can also use the Command Prompt tool ipconfig, which returns a set of information that includes your local IP address. On a Mac, you can open System Preferences and click Network on the left panel (Wi-Fi or Ethernet for wired connections).
For iPhones, tablets, and Android phones, go to Settings and tap the information icon next to the Wi-Fi network you’re connected to. Then, select View info to see your local IP address. You can also use an online IP checker, like Avast’s free tool, or a Google search to reveal your public IP address and location.